Manufacturers,B2B,source Zhupiter : B2B Directory for Sourcing Taiwan & China Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters.

Tubular Heaters

There are 5 manufacturers in this Tubular Heaters category, the follows are 1 - 5 [Page 1]:
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Liqi Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.

home electrical appliances- ceramic fan heaters, tubular heater, halogen heaters, radiant heaters, convector heater, patio heaters, industrial fan heater, carbon filter heaters, oil filled radiator heater, mini oil filled radiator heater, oil-filled radiators, 3/ 5-gallon water bottles, stand fans, ice makers, air coolers/ purifiers/ humidifiers, etc.

Maxthermo-Gitta Group Corp.

Since 1978, Maxthermo-Gitt is the most professional team in the industry for providing automation appliances- PLCs ( programmable logic controllers), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), PID temperature controllers, PID Temp. modules, panel PCs, industrial touch monitors, servo motors ( drivers), inertia motor, IGBT space vector inverters. (2) control instruments- timers, counters, SSR ( solid state relays), miniature S.C.R. ( SCR) power regulators, digital counters, voltage detecting protecting relays, industri

Hin Haw Electronic, Co., Ltd.

thermowell- RTD elements, thermocouples & assembly, temperature controllers,
SCR power controllers, hand- held probes, thermocouple wires,
band heater, cartridge heater, pipe heater,
flexible heater, strip heater, tubular and process assemblies,
thermocouple, handheld, temperature, R.T.D probes, connector, lead wire,
SCR power controllers, SSR, solid state relays, heater, thermowell.

Tai June Enterprise Co. Ltd.

industrial boilers- steam boilers, fire tube boilers, vertical tubular boilers, thermal oil heaters, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, heat recovery equipment, storage tanks, pollution control equipment.

Ta Chi Electric Heater Co. Ltd.

electric heaters, finned tube, heater exchange, heater tube, heater fin, infrared heater tube, oil heater, fin tubular radiator, L tubular radiator, distill water making machine (radiating condensating tube), tubular radiators, heater tubes.


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